Now, thanks to dotsdb, RePatch reDux0 has been released and it has the following fixes The suspend issue is now fixed!C est peut être que j ai trop de plugins je vais tester sur ma 2eme vita sans trop de plugins et sans repatch si ça fonctionne pas j envoit mon configtxt DED FR 11 janvier 19, 2122Apr 12, · Hacked Vita (Enso/hencore 360/365/368) Repatch plugin (installed on the Vita and verified working) NoNpDrm plugin (installed on the Vita and verified working) re00d/0syscall6 is not really needed for this mod but you need it on some of your game and you should have it by default Vitashell

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Repatch vita plugin
Repatch vita plugin-Nov 18, 18 · Plugins rePatch reDux0 v30 by dotstb Last Release Nov 18, 18 Downloads 5013 So if no ux0rePatch/titleid, it will load uma0rePatch/titleid A ux0rePatch/titleid will prevent uma0rePatch/titleid) * Now uses the Sony overlay system, you may now create files that don't exist in both patch and app, however, the game must support thisInstall both nonpdrm and repatch plugin They need to be set under the KERNEL section of tai/configtxt ux0app/GAMEID/ game install location (encrypted) ux0patch/GAMEID/ game update location (encrypted) ux0addcont/GAMEID game DLC location (encrypted) ux0rePatch/GAMEID/ where you stick modified game files (unencrypted)

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A vita plugin to run programs that do not get decrypted properly rePatchreDux0 1 3 00 C Kernel Plugin to make ux0rePatch allow the modding of encrypted games similar to ux0patch PSVshell 1 173 00 C Yet another overclocking plugin VitaTweaks 1 172 00 C A collection of small tweaks for the PS VitaMar 26, 18 · Now, this is where RePatch reDux0 comes in!Sep , · Re Updates Madden NFL 13 PS Vita/PSTV Same Roster week one I just cut all the salary's by 49% to reflect the 12 season salary cap Attached Files BLUSROSTERROSTER53MANzip (3342 KB, 28 views) rdplatts615, lorak, msgrant and 1 others like this
Oct 05, · v317 OneMenu for PSVita is a simple to use UI which separates the installed games and apps into categories Onemenu comes with a built in File Explorer Installing/uninstalling apps/games, vpks (Including Nonpdrm content, you have to install the plugin Nonpdrm) Move the selected homebrew to diferent partition (ux0ur0uma0)Jun 01, 19 · Pastebincom is the number one paste tool since 02 Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of timeThis dock is designed to house a Raspberry Pi B behind the Vita 1000 stand itself This allows you to run a cable to the Raspberry Pi from the Vita and then run HDMI to a screen This is designed to be used with Xerpi's PSVITA UDCD USB Video Class Plugin which allows video out from the charging/usb port Note that it does not have a hole for the audio cable In this setup it is advised
May 06, 19 · Repatch plugin installed on the Vita NoNpDrm plugin installed on the Vita How to install 1 Install the base game first via pkgj or NPS browser (recommended) 2 Run/check the unmodded game if it's running properly (optional) 3 Copy "Repatch" folder to ux0, be sure to have NoNpDrm and rePatch plugin (v271) properly installed and working 4Apr 19, 21 · PS Vita Psp Vita rePatch reLoaded et Mac Address Spoofer Deux nouveautés intéressantes pour la PlayStation Vita et PlayStation Tv, l'arrivée de rePatch reLoaded v11 et celle de Mac Address Spoofer v10, le premier est proposé par SonicMastr tandis que le second lui est mis en ligne par Princess of SleepingFirst install the plugin by adding it to the *KERNEL line after that create a folder on ux0 called "rePatch" inside that folder put another folder of the titleid for the game and in there, simply place the files you want to replace, it works exactly the same as ux0patch does on 360 only you dont need the paramsfo file in sce_sys

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Patch Ps Vita Games Into English Using Repatch By Tech James
Jan 13, · Star 48 Fork 5 Star Ultimate Vita Comparison (Firmwares & Rips vs Dumps) Raw ultimatevitacomparisonmd Due to so many misinformation, false claims and confusion that goes around the web I've decided to make this quick comparison of all most known backup enabling tools, hackable vita firmwares and which one you should be using and whyThe plugin's code has been made much more efficient It also seems that RePatch, the original iteration of the plugin, has been updated to version 10, which includes the suspend fixOct 08, · OVR 0 Join Date Apr Re Updates Madden NFL 13 PS Vita/PSTV I got the rosters to work but not the graphics patch I created a file in uxo named rePatch and another inside that PCSE and put the files you previously posted that were already repacked in there I put the plugin in uro tai and in configure text put urotai/repatch

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Aug 25, · If you have the plugin ioPlus installed, make it sure you have the 01 version installed This is the 4th version of the project, it features 10 new custom exclusive songs and all the PS4 official DLC songs not released on PSVitaCbpsDB is the ultimate source for PS Vita Homebrew, Download all the latest PSVita homebrew plugins and apps!Sep 03, 18 · Removing FPS caps since some games, like God of War Collection and Killzone Mercenary, limit their framerate to a maximum of 30 FPS Through this plugin, you can increase the FPS cap variable for a smoother experience A highly customisable way of configuring the plugin so that you can get exactly what you want

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Jun 25, 19 · These plugins together will allow you to play virtually any PS Vita game backups and DLC on any homebrew enabled PS Vita NoNpDrm by TheOfficialFlow works by creating faux license files for any game that is boot up while the plugin is active;Jun 10, 19 · Now the option to install plugins is also available on VITATV neat and clean code v102 just a small update to add more plugins Kuio by Rinnegatamante PSVVSH MENU by joel16 Vflux by Applelo Repatch by dotstb NoAVLS by SilicaAndPina V101 Now you can back up the configtxt before installing the plugins Added command prompt X installAug 03, 18 · rePatch reDux0 This plugin serves as a substitute for the patch folder when an existing update is present on official cartridges or other encrypted formats It also has the benefit of loading decrypted content on 360 To clarify this plugin works on on NoNpDrm, official cartridges, and officially downloaded games

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Oct 23, 17 · Following the NoNpDrm v11 update and NoNPDRM Key RIF Extractor, PlayStation Vita homebrew developer frangarcj has just released a NoPsmDrm v10 plugin with source code to bypass DRM protection for PSM game content on PS Vita, PlayStation Vita TV and PS TV devices running Firmware 360, the taiHEN framework and HENkaku Download nopsmdrmskprx / GIT /This means you can play backups as well as create backups from game cards that can be played on anyJun 15, · This patch changes the 3D render and framebuffer resolutions of Persona 4 Golden on the Vita and PSTV to 19x1080 or 1280x7 19x1080 can be output to HDMI, 1280x7 can be output to HDMI or USB ( udcduvc ), or Vita users can enjoy a supersampled image directly on the screen Installation 1 Install Persona 4 Golden and install the latest

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Nov 19, 18 · To grab rePatch 30, simply follow this link and install the kernel plugin in ur0/tai or ux0/tai Vita Moonlight updated to version 041 Vita Moonlight is a homebrew application that lets you stream your desktop's or laptop's screen to your PSVita provided your computer has a supported Nvidia graphics card and you have a good localOct 27, · 1 Copy the contents of inside Copy_to_VITA_ux0 folder to your Vita's ux0 folder, be sure to have NoNpDrm and rePatch plugin (v30) properly installed and working 2 Run the game Additional Notes Be sure to install a rePatch compatibility pack if your Vita is on 360 or have reF00D pluin installedOne of you plugins is crashing the game 0 votes and 9 comments so far on reddit Im using 3 65 enso with nonpdrm download enabler and nopsmdrm plugins Used storagemgr guide to set up sd2vita If i try to start the game twice the vita reboots Used guide to install vita homebrew browser nonpdrm ref00d downloadenabler shellbat pngshot

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All plugins and sometimes kernel plugins can do that such as I just put h encore and henkaku and vita shell on my vita today so i m new to all this but from the tutorials on how to install everything i ve followed them all pretty well so far and everything has worked up until trying to run this game Any help would be greatly appreciatedA vita plugin to run programs that do not get decrypted properly rePatchreDux0 1 3 00 C Kernel Plugin to make ux0rePatch allow the modding of encrypted games similar to ux0patch PSVshell 1 173 00 C Yet another overclocking plugin VitaTweaks 1 172 00 C A collection of small tweaks for the PS VitaAutoplugin is a homebrew application that features a collection of essential plugins that can be installed directly to your PS Vita without the need for a PC There are also a range of additional features such as PSP (Adrenaline) plugins and the builtin configuration settings for the StorageMgr plugin so you can easily setup your SD2Vita

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Patch Ps Vita Games Into English Using Repatch By Tech James
If you haven't already, download the latest RePatch plugin from here, transfer it to your vita and add it under *KERNEL section of your configtxt (ur0tai/repatchskprx or ux0tai/repatchskprx) Reboot your Vita after you've finished Download and install the VPK file above Launch the PSO2v Tweaker and follow the directionsVitaPatch sells a wide variety of dietary supplements that are sourced from the highest quality ingredients Everything item we produce is 3rd party tested and designed around sound scientific studies We will stop at nothing to provide you body with the quality nutrition it deservesAug 28, 18 · Hacked Vita (Enso/hencore 360/365/368/369) Repatch plugin (installed on the Vita and verified working) NoNpDrm plugin (installed on the Vita and verified working) Vitashell FTP program (Winscp recommended) This Uncensored patch patch

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Hi guys, Tech James here,How to patch Japanese Vita Games into English using the RePatch plugin!This video is for educational purposes only (Musou Stars EnJun 06, 21 · PS Vita Hacker and developer TheFloW has released yet another port of a Rockstar game, this time Bully This release comes after other great ports by the scene veteran, such as GTA San Andreas What's Bully for PS Vita Bully Vita is a "port" of the android version of Rockstar's popular actionadventure gameAug 01, 18 · I managed to run Zanki Zero (368) on my 360 Vita with Henkaku READ THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST TO CHECK AN EASIER PKGj METHOD (On the EDIT section at the end) Some steps to play games downloaded using NPS (NoPayStation) browser 1 Download repatch plugin and put it on your plugins folder (in my case, it was ur0tai/) 2

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A vita plugin to run programs that do not get decrypted properly dotstb/rePatchreDux0 197 Kernel Plugin to make ux0rePatch allow the modding of encrypted games similar to ux0patchJul 18, 18 · "rePatch" ermöglicht es euch gemoddete Inhalte zu starten Somit wird einfach das oben genannt "comp pack" als gemoddeter Patch auf die Vita gespielt und diese startet den patch rePatch gibt es schon eine ganze Zeit, jetzt wurde dieses aber geupdatet um "comp packs" zu starten Das Plugin wurde leicht umbenannt Es nennt sich jetzt rePatchSep 12, · GE Patch Plugin by TheFloW GE Patch Plugin was created by TheFloW, which is an experimental plugin for Adrenaline that allows endusers to play some PSP games in native resolution on their PS Vita / PS TV TheFloW is asking for help testing games and updating the compatibility list (please see the Compatibility List tab below to contribute)

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Ps Vita rePatch reDux0 插件安裝 v 271 PSV 360至365運行367遊戲教學 Install the reDatch plugin reDux0 plugin, then follow this video tutorial process and you can play!Fixed compatiblity with udcd_uvcskprx plugin Changelog v67 Added support for PS1 multiplayer on PS Vita using an upcoming DS3/DS4 plugin Changelog v66 Fixed bug from previous update that caused black screen in other DJ max games Inferno driver was not included correcty, now it is Tekken 6 can now be played with any CPU speedNuevo Canal por si Cierran el Actualhttps//wwwyoutubecom/channel/UCSc6XFgJEzNGJ1HzmyZJpAgNuevo RePatch Redux0 30 para Psvita Actualizado, Que es?

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Apr 15, 21 · Plugins rePatch reLoaded v10 by SonicMastr Last Release Apr 15, 21 Downloads 50 Modification of rePatch that adds Homebrew app0 and ux0/data migration to other partitions, allowing you to play games with data on different storage ioplus may be requiredIf you haven't already, download the latest RePatch plugin from here, transfer it to your vita and add it under *KERNEL section of your configtxt (ur0tai/repatchskprx or ux0tai/repatchskprx) Reboot your Vita after you've finished Create a new directory called "rePatch" (Capitalization matters!) in ux0(ux0/rePatch) Create a new directory called "PCSG" in ux0/rePatch/2 years ago **1 Put the repatchskprx in your tai folder, and add it to your configtxt under *KERNEL reboot your Vita ** Thanks ) 4 If you're using the new compatibility packs, you place the files that come with said compatibility pack into the titleID of the game you need the pack for

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Patch Ps Vita Games Into English Using Repatch By Tech James
Nov 07, · There's two rar files inside the main rar One for the EUR version and other for the USA version Unpack the one you need for your version Inside each rar there's a folder called rePatch To install it on 365, you'll need rePatch plugin installed, just copy "rePatch" folder in the rar of your choosed version (EUR or USA) to "ux0″PS Vita TV는 FTP 설치법을 이용하시기 바랍니다 이점 참고해서 작업하시길 바랄께요 (*^^*) ※ 요구사항 ⓐ 시스템 펌웨어 버전 373 (또는 이하의 PS Vita 1세대 or 2세대, PS Vita TV) ⓑ HENkaku (헨카쿠가 설치되어 있어야 합니다) ⓒ VitaShell (비타쉘이 설치되어 있어야

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